Tuesday, March 5, 2013

All You Can Eat: Fruit Edition

I've mentioned many times before how I loooove driving out to the finca.  We made it out there on Sunday and we had the perfect day.  We took a long walk around the farm with A's mom, strolling from tree after tree, plant after plant, picking off whatever fruit we felt like eating in the moment.  I had sweet lemons (yes, you can eat lemons like a fruit!), oranges, two kinds of tamarind, an entire coconut (the water and the flesh), cashew fruit, berries, and many other things that I simply do not know the names of!  

Th orange below was one of my favorite foods.  I learned that its nicknamed "children's orange" because its truly non-acidic, and so you can feed it to very young children.  It wasn't sour at all and tasted like sweet orange candy!

Normally we swim in the river that runs through their farm, but on Sunday we decided to drive about 20 minutes down the river where there is a beautiful waterfall.  Recently they've commercialized the area a bit, offering small camping style cabins for rent at 350 pesos ($8.50 USD) per person, per night.  Although it sounds too cheap to be comfortable, its a beautiful complex and I hope to spend the weekend there sometime soon! {hint, hint, wink, wink, my birthday is coming...}

Because it was Sunday there were a lot of people swimming, drinking, listening to music with friends and family, just enjoying the day.  I saw many people rubbing the mud below the waterfall all over their skin, natural exfoliation I suppose?  We didn't swim but I will definitely take part in the mud exfoliation the next time we're there!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous pics!! So jealous! I would loovveee to go swimming there. Not sure I would do a mud exfoliation though haha. Hope you're having a good monday!
