Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Super Date - Part 2 and a Day of Glass

So now that this post is a few weeks late, the truth is that I forgot what I was going to write about!

I can tell you that it was Santo Domingo's annual free museum night and that we went to la zona colonial.

A "nice" street in la zona colonial
The "Colonial city of Santo Domingo" always makes me feel a bit sad when I visit.  Few people know that it was here that Christopher Columbus first landed when discovering the Americas in 1492.  A handful of historical monuments still stand, but the majority of the area just looks run down and unsafe now.  Its a shame to me that this area, with so much important history of the New World, is left so unkept.

Anyway, we visited a few museums located inside original buildings {that, of course, we don't know the names of!} and we climbed to the top of Fortaleza Ozama, the first fortress ever built on this side of the world.  Its the oldest European military construction still standing today [thanks, Wikipedia]. 

At the top of the dark fortress, not my most flattering photo!
We visited the Telecommunications museum and saw electronics from past and present.  Probably the one thing I found most interesting that night was this video that we watched at the museum.  It shows how we might use glass electronics in the near future.  I loved it!

To finish off the night, I got pooped on by a bird.  I think birds like me.  Now if I can just have some of that good luck that they talk about..  That would be welcomed :)

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