I've only had my iPhone up and running for a few days and boyfriend already feels like I'm replacing him. Oops. After years as a Blackberry user, I've finally made the switch. I never thought a phone could be so much fun!
As I'm feeling generous this holiday season I thought I would share some of my first favorite apps with you, lucky readers, you.

Instagram. It makes photo editing fun again and pretty much does all the work for you. Plus it makes sharing pictures super easy. My Instagram pictures are coming soon for those that don't follow me on Twitter.

WhatsApp. I couldn't believe that many of my US friends had no idea what this was! Its compatible across smart phones and allows you to text message with anyone around the world for free {requires Internet}. The best 99 cent investment ever.

SilverWiz. Similar to Mint.com but less intense, its used for tracking your finances and budgeting, and its only a buck. You can see reports of your money and has loads of categories; shoes, accessories, jewelry.. You'll find which is your weakness.
If you have an iPhone, please share with me some of your favorite apps!
pleeeease teach me how to use instagram!